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how much Ideas......

Guest Eliran

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1) Menu opened in the private message.
2) Additional password to the user Anti break ins to the user.
3) Option in acp to delete to user all messages and the topic.
4) Option in the list of messages in forum to attract an messages down and she will change a place.
5) Option of camera internet by the forum.
6) Reminder by personal control panel.
7) To determine a date and hour that warning will go down.

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  1. Sounds good, maybe you could elaborate more.
  2. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I think that might be rather annoying eventually.
  3. This feature is already in 2.1.
  4. I don't know exactly what you mean, maybe some more elaboration?
  5. A Webcam? That's more of a MySpace thing, not a forum community.
  6. Reminding of what?
  7. I like this idea and requested a mod once, but more of a monthly basis.
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