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Public beta of 2.2 zend encoded?

Guest Pⅇter

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We're just doing this very first public release encoded so we can control it better. The very last thing we want is a beta floating around that could possibly (though we hope not!) be filled with brand-new-out-of-the-box issues.

Once we are happy it appears stable then we'll release a second round that is not encoded. Like MetalFrog pointed out - we willl announce the release schedule then. I would estimate a release schedule could be posted this time next week.

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Since IPS is a company that is on the internet, they would close "virtual" doors, ie the company would close. Yes, I know they have an office, but they would also have to close their "virtual" office, no?

I was making an internet joke (w00t)

Where will we work from? ™

(don't ask - IPS joke)
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I'm not worry about it being encoded. Good chance I may just use it to do some extreme stuff to see if it can handle it as well as test out my custom made cms on it to see what I have to do to get things work for it, then once the RC versions come out I can then go into doing more of my custom code work as well as skinning. I know I'll have tot totally made a new skin set adn then copy my skins into them as porting them I think will end up being to much of a mess.

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Yes but what if someone has used the ZEND encoaded board as their live board? and the time runs out for that encoded tiem of peirod and the new release hasn't been posted. customers will be running a non existent board till they releast a stable source beta. I argee with Peter on this one. IPB 2.0.0 Was still under the free flag along with IPB 2.0 Final. before matt desided to go corpate with the script. I can agree that a weeks time will be fine that will give you and your site staff some time to get use to running it as a test board.

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OK you want the public to test it with encodide but you don't want them to? sounds kinda weird I can understand its a way to get your staff members use to the new release of the script.

So how are we supose to test it select a few members from our forum to register to the board and test tes tes? you can do that on a fully sourced out board

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I am sure the first Privet Beta testers got a full scrpted beta test of 2.2 I think thats why everyone is so hot. I can understand having an encoded beta 1 for testing to see if it works on all servers and what not.

Beta 2 throug RC3 Shoulg get the mod writers enough time to code their hacks with small fixes to the release every so often so when Final is released they can have a stable hack for the boards ready to go.

But I remember back in the day IPB 2.0 beta and release canidate you had different templates. then the final. you had a different Admin CP setup then final. 2.0 was when you started to work hard on the gallery and blog systems of IPB. SI thats understandible

Below is a char of how this will work if I am correct?

Beta 1 (Encoded)
Beta 2 (not encoded)
Beta 3 (not encoded)
RC1 (not encoded)
RC2 (not encoded)
RC3 (not encoded)
Final (not encoded)

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I wasn't planning on doing that but is there going to be any betas release FULL SORUCED meaning can we edit files for our own hacks sites skins, what have you thats why I think everyone is so pissed they don't understand that The first Beta ONLY will be encoded.


You weren't planning on it... why ask all the questions about if you do then? :P
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Yeah I wouldn't be using a beta on a live baord at least not over your board. I would which I'm thinking of doing is installing the beta's on another domain of mine and then chooing say 10 of my members to come over and mess with it. Kind of like my own private beta testing. Hell thats a good idea as it help me work out the bugs faster.

That would be legal to do right? As long as the board would be locked to members only no one can sign up and once the full stable version comes out it goes down right?

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I see no problem with your above plan, I and planned to do that myself. You make sure people can't use it and stuff, and let a select group of members play around with it and see what it does.

Or maybe leave it up as a preview so people can just look and see what the new version looks like.

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Of course the final release will be unrestricted. We aren't paying for time-encoded software, save a few beta releases here and there. And if I remember back to the 2.1.


beta days, the code changed quite a bit between Beta 2 and RC1.

That's what I said. :huh:
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Wow... It isn't hard to understand, but I will break it down for the people who still don't get it.

IPS is encoding the first Beta so it can be properly controlled. The last time they released a public Beta, users immediately upgraded their boards, and thus, made it extremely difficult for IPS to support; considering that the they were still fixing bugs. So, by releasing the beta encoded, they can force those who want to upgrade their boards with the Beta to wait for the more stable releases.

I hope that clears it up a bit.

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Last time we had a beta we asked that people did not use it to upgrade their boards. Even big red bold letters were used, but people still did it. It's been a while, but I think when we released the first beta for 2.1 the upgrade script was not finished so it wasn't included.... Despite the warnings and red letters people tried to upgrade their boards with the installer script.... (only to find their board in bad bad shape...)

Like it has already been said... It's so the release can be controlled.

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Ok.. Public betas and RC's are for you to play with it but not to use it as production as in "live" just play with it to get feel of it before the final is out then switch over to final 2.2. That's the purpose of Beta in Forum world.

Different from Software world. where you want to use beta software with bleeding edge and expect a bumpy road but usable in everyday life.

So, don't let people sign up on public beta boards. It is for you, holder of license, to play with and learn so you can get your handles on it before it goes final to make transition easy. like for example install public beta on localhost and play with it. instead of installing it over your previous. encoded or not.

TILL Final Release... you can install that over the last stable releases.

It is also good idea to tweak and mod over several releases before Final but don't use it in public setting. just to yourself then when Final comes out you can look at your test version to copy from ie: modding code as such.

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