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Guest settings

Guest Strange_Will

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I got an excellent idea, where we can apply settings to Guests as if they were users, mainly stuff like Moderator approval of posts and all that fun stuff, I've never seen anything for this in the current software, and it would be nice to keep guest posting open, while keeping the system unabused.

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You can for the most part - you edit the 'Guests' group in the ACP. What settings do you want to apply to guests that you can't presently?

Oh you can add moderator approval there.

I also added a team icon, it isn't working.... it isn't even showing as mess code in the HTML, just <br><br><br><br> where stuff should go.

Anyway, I'm going to check that, and I'll brb. I think you're right. I'm sorry.

And if that doesn't work, thats a bug report, not a feature request...

No I don't see auto-moderation queue for new posts, or anything of the sort, nor is the team icon working, yet it's properly coded.
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Some of that is because guest permissions do get setup differently than users. I'd say those are more bug reports myself, but I guess it's open to interpretation.

Well the group icon not showing up is a bug, being as all guest group settings should be applied to guests.

The moderation queue thing, well... the option just isn't there, so it's more of a feature request. Certian groups should have to require moderation or some such...
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