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Mark forums on read when leave?

Guest Strange_Will

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So I've had users complain A LOT about how the forum "doesn't show new threads on the forums"

Well thats because you need to mark all forums read... :P They didn't notice that.

The old forum system we used marked forums read when you left, that would be an awesome option, and I figure easy to program, just run the "mark forums read" function when a session dies or some such.

Also a smaller suggestion, not that important but would be useful, is being able to assign a language to either a style or a forum.

Other than those two smallish things, I'm VERY happy with the software you guys provide, thank you very much. :thumbsup:

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I like the second idea

I disagree completly with the first idea - I like to read at least 80% of posts on my board and would never be able to do this if I didn't know which ones were new.
A mod that does this would not be easy to write. Please PM me if you want a mod that does this.

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