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Alt-Text Option for Smilie Mouse-Overs

Guest McQ

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Smilies are traditionally used by MANY people to graphically replace text.

So ideally when a user does a mouse-over of the smilie, the text it replaces should appear instead of the file name. So a mouse over of :devil: would produce devil (or whatever the admin specified) instead of "devil.gif".


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To do the smile code for the alt-text, do the following:

Open File: sources/classes/bbcode/class_bbcode.php

return "<img src=\"{$this->ipsclass->vars['EMOTICONS_URL']}/$image\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\"".trim($code)."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$image\" />";

Replace With:

return "<img src=\"{$this->ipsclass->vars['EMOTICONS_URL']}/$image\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\"".trim($code)."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".trim($code)."\" />";

        // D21-Smilies Alt-Text Use Smilie Code

Save & Close File

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