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Will invisionboard ever have AJAX

Guest Qasim

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Invision board is a much cleaner and reliable board than vbulletin - but there is one vb feature which would be nice


AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) allows your browser to send data to and receive data from a server without reloading the current page. This technology, whose use is being pioneered by Google, allows developers to create rich, fast-responding interactive pages.

This allows people to add replies without refreshing

Any chance this could ever be implemented in IPB?
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AJAX is AJAX....I couldn't really see how one would be much quicker than the other. THIS would really depend upon the server you are browsing. ;)

As for AJAX quick reply, I think it should be implemented myself. :)

I thought that fast reply had ajax so at that time it seemed slow to me but it was actually refreshing the page
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If you have AJAZ enabled quick reply, the page would not be refreshed so posts made in between the time you read and reply would not be shown. Personally I'm not keen on the idea. Also, some hand-held devices do not support some of the AJAX techologies fully so you wouldn't be able to reply to topics with them.

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If you have AJAZ enabled quick reply, the page would not be refreshed so posts made in between the time you read and reply would not be shown. Personally I'm not keen on the idea. Also, some hand-held devices do not support some of the AJAX techologies fully so you wouldn't be able to reply to topics with them.

On vBulletin forums it also displays the posts made inbetween when you reply
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The problem with a fast reply AJAX is that you won't be able to see any posts that were posted in between the time you posted and someone else did. Besides, AJAX fast reply only makes it a second faster than normal quick reply, so there's really no point.

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The problem with a fast reply AJAX is that you won't be able to see any posts that were posted in between the time you posted and someone else did.

on vBulletin posts inbetween are also shown fast reply uses xml to post the reply and communicate with the server and javascript to display it not the other way round
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