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Invision Power Dynamic Development Update: Discussion

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I suggest that you reserve judgement on the price until it's been announced. :)

I'm not going to speculate on the cost because any hint either way (+$1000 or -$300) is going to set up a price point in your mind that you'll compare the final price to.

We know that our target audience aren't going to pay over the odds for the product and we don't for a second assume that we're going to get away with charging $8000.

We're going to charge a realistic and fair price for a good solid project. We're confident that the price will be in reach for most website owners and we're looking at different licensing options to make this possible without removing features or selling different versions of the product.

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Well like you said, estimating a price will only lead us to draw comparrisons when the final price is announced. However when you start saying things like you'll have competitive prices and compare it to CMS products that are worth about $8000, you can't blame us for assuming this isn't going to this side of $300.

I hope it won't cost more than $250 ~ $350 and that would be a large amount for a hobby or fan site.

Yeah that's all I'm really trying to say. People who run these kind of sites (myself included) just won't have much more than that to spend. So if it's a product compeating with software worth 8 grand I'd just like to know. So I don't get too excited about it. I love how IPD is looking and it would be perfect for my site, that said I think a 4 week holiday in Australia would be perfect for me and I can't afford that either.

You know? But it sounds like they're working on ways for it to be accessible for everyone so fingers crossed.
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All is of course realative when it comes to these things, but to me that would put it in 100-150 $/year price range.

At least it sounds like the price I'm hoping for, to be able to afford IPD, is still not impossible. o:)

I have a backup plan in case things doesn't turn out the way I'm hoping for.
But I'd like to stick with IPS, so I'm still keeping my fingers crossed...
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Believe me I'm sure its going to be priced reasonably. The days when companies could charge $8000 for a cms are over. There is way too much competition now..(with even some new very good open source cms's finally done right) Personally I expect it to be in the 199-300 range.

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I honestly believe IPS charging thousands would be disastrous. No offense to IPS but I don't believe they would be able to pull in the Corporations willing to pay that price for their product.

It simply wouldn't sell.

If they priced it in our affordable ranges then they would make far more money than pricing it at $5000.

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This looks amazing and I cannot wait, keep up the good work Matt and I hope its affordable for me, I have fan sites too and I know theres a large number of them who would want yours over another because of IPB's success. Anywho, good luck. :)

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Something else I think you should think about Matt is that you will have a large number of people wanting to buy it.

You could either look at it two ways:
Charge a large sum ($xxx+) = Have a small people buy it
Charge a small sum ($xx-$xxx) = Have a lot of people buy it

It would probably ballance out, but wouldn't you rather have more customers, than less?

Let that settle.

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Something else I think you should think about Matt is that you will have a large number of people wanting to buy it.

You could either look at it two ways:

Charge a large sum ($xxx+) = Have a small people buy it

Charge a small sum ($xx-$xxx) = Have a lot of people buy it

It would probably ballance out, but wouldn't you rather have more customers, than less?

Let that settle.

I agree, if you charge less you will end up receiving more profit, but if you end up charging more, you will receive less profit.
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If you charge a lot but get less customers then you have the same amount of income at a much greater profit margin with far less customers to support - so using that logic, the 'best' situation would be to have less customers paying more. :)

However, that's not the business model we're going for...

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