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ability to "star" topics

Guest TCWT

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How about adding the ability to add a "star" to topics? Don't confuse this with rating topics. Gmail has this feature. Sometimes, I want to read a topic later (for one reason or another) and starring them makes me not forget it. :thumbsup:

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Also if you could have starred topics float to the top, so you'd have announcements at the top, then stickies (or vice versa as I'm not sure of the current order), then starred topics. That way if you like a topic, you star it, and it never gets buried.

Optional: All topics you create, starred by default? What do you guys think of that? How much does it suck to create a topic and it gets buried, and you have to go digging? If it's got no replies, it's got no replies, but you ought to be able to see that at a glance.

Optional: A virtual forum containing your starred topics from ALL forums on that board.

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This is one of the best suggestions on the page, not because it would do the most, per se, but just because it's so simple. It's like the multiquote function, but a little less complicated, just something that "fits" with what we would or possibly should think of a modern forum system having. Something that would be ultimately transparent once implemented, yet rise the platform above its competitors who haven't put a similar feature in. ;)

And for Spire, a couple staff members have been posting in the suggestions. Not Matt, but a couple of them. *wonders if Matt has a ghost account to read these suggestions by, so nobody sees his account reading the suggestion and gets all giddy*

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