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RRS ROBOT copying the article colurs backgroun and layout

Guest Davidcopperfield

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Now the RSS Robot only creates links to actual articles- it is no crackerjack, it is useful but plain. a more involved way may be utilised like allowing IPB not only copying the text but also to porttray/download the article accompanying images, background and layout. The article ought to bear much of resemblance or to be identical with the real one, simply to be pasted here with everything else

Supply some comments please :)

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RSS feeds do not include background and color info, so no RSS news reader or importer could do that.

Why? Or is it possible to write an extension for RSS feed spceially for IPB, it would really attract many customers who use their boards as news provider and announcemnt tables.
So special RSS feed for IPB is needed. It will enable to copy completely the article so as people will be attracted to the board not to the source itself. Important for popularity.
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