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REST API Documentation


Edit a record

For requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member, any parameters the user doesn't have permission to use are ignored (for example, locked will only be honoured if the authenticated user has permission to lock topics).


Name Type Description
Required fields object Field values. Keys should be the field ID, and the value should be the value. For fields of the Upload type, the type of the value must also be an object itself, with each key set as the filename and the value set as the raw file contents. For requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member, values will be sanatised where necessary. For requests made using an API Key or the Client Credentials Grant Type values will be saved unchanged.
category int The ID number of the category the record should be created in. If the database does not use categories, this is not required
author int The ID number of the member creating the record (0 for guest). Ignored for requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member.
prefix string Prefix tag
tags string Comma-separated list of tags (do not include prefix)
ip_address string The IP address that should be stored for the record. If not provided, will use the IP address from the API request. Ignored for requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member.
locked int 1/0 indicating if the record should be locked
hidden int 0 = unhidden; 1 = hidden, pending moderator approval; -1 = hidden (as if hidden by a moderator)
pinned int 1/0 indicating if the record should be pinned
featured int 1/0 indicating if the record should be featured
anonymous bool If 1, the item will be posted anonymously.
image object An object with two properties to use as the record image. 'name' for the filename, and 'contents' for the image contents, Base64 Encoded.


Code Message Description
2T306/9 INVALID_DATABASE The database ID does not exist
2T306/6 INVALID_ID The record ID is invalid or the authorized user does not have permission to view it
1T306/7 NO_CATEGORY The category ID does not exist or the authorized user does not have permission to post in it
1T306/8 NO_AUTHOR The author ID does not exist
2T306/H NO_PERMISSION The authorized user does not have permission to edit the record
1S306/E UPLOAD_FIELD_NOT_OBJECT Field of type Upload was supplied without being set as an object
1T306/F UPLOAD_FIELD_NO_FILES Field of type Upload was supplied without any files attached
1T306/G UPLOAD_FIELD_MULTIPLE_NOT_ALLOWED Field of type Upload and a maximum of 1 file was supplied with multiple files
1T306/H UPLOAD_FIELD_IMAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED Field of type Upload was supplied with an image was of an unsupported extension
1T306/I UPLOAD_FIELD_IMAGES_ONLY Field of type Upload set to be image only was supplied with a non-image attachment
1T306/J UPLOAD_FIELD_EXTENSION_NOT_ALLOWED Field of type Upload was supplied with one or more attachments of a non-supported file extension


This endpoint doesn't return a response.