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Tagging content with Content Items

Content items can be tagged by members. Tags can be used to find other different types of content with the same tags. A prefix is one of the item's tags which is shown highlighted and prefixes the title when displayed.


How to implement tagging

Tagging requires that your content items belong inside a container node. First, you need to implement the tagging interface:

implements \IPS\Content\Tags

Then, you can display the prefix and tags in the view for your item, like so:

{{if $item->prefix()}}
	<a href="{url="app=core&module=system&controller=tags&tag={$item->prefix()}" seoTemplate="tags"}">{$item->prefix()}</a>

{{if count( $file->tags() )}}
		{{foreach $file->tags() as $tag}}
				<a href="{url="app=core&module=system&controller=tags&tag={$tag}" seoTemplate="tags"}">{$tag}</a>


Changes after implementation

  • A field to input tags will be added to the create/edit form.
  • Prefixes and tags will be displayed in content tables.


Additional model methods available

boolean static canTag( [ \IPS\Member $member [, \IPS\Node\Model $container ] ] )

Indicates whether the user has permission to tag items.

  • $member (\IPS\Member, optional)
    If provided, will use this member's permissions when checking. By default, the currently-logged in member will be used.
  • $container (\IPS\Node\Model, optional)
    If provided, checks whether the member is able to tag in this specific node.


boolean static canPrefix( [ \IPS\Member $member [, \IPS\Node\Model $container ] ] )

Indicates whether the user has permission to select a tag as a prefix on items.

  • $member (\IPS\Member, optional)
    If provided, will use this member's permissions when checking. By default, the currently-logged in member will be used.
  • $container (\IPS\Node\Model, optional)
    If provided, checks whether the member is able to select a prefix on items in this specific node.


array tags()

Returns an array of tags on the item.


string prefix( [ boolean $encode ] )

Returns the prefix on the item (NULL if the item has no prefix)

  • $encode (boolean, optional, default FALSE)
    If true, will url-encode the returned prefix.

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