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Content wrapper
Ok, if you need help I can help you ! Just post here a example that you need.
Content wrapper
@Marco Junior No that is not it BUT THANKS..
Content wrapper
I understand what you mean, and this is how you can do it. Just add some custom CSS according to what you want. Example: .wrapper-content { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 1500px; background: var(--body-bg-color); /* Background color */ position: relative; box-shadow: 0px 10px 30px oklch(0.61 0.12 154.68); /* Color apply for border content with small effect green, because I use green color on my buttons */ }Basically, you will create content about the main content of your community and then you will define the background color and maximum width. I used the IPS forum as a base because I think the navigation menu and the way the content was defined are very elegant, so I did something using that base. You can check the final result here: https://community.lightningmu.net/
Philip_B joined the club
Content wrapper
Not sure your understanding what I want I want a wrapper around the content with a different color.
Content wrapper
When you put this <DIV your content class will be this. Just try, I use this on my website fine. You can check : https://community.lightingmu.net
Content wrapper
I tried it doesn't seem to work there is no wrapper around the content. What goes in the html?
Content wrapper
Go to your admincp - customizations - themes and first : Enable theme designer Now: Select option on your theme: Theme Designer templates -> Create new template Put a name for your class example: content-wrapper Select option : Hook After this you need add the class content on form: <div class="content-wrapper"> YOU DOES NOT NEED CLOSE THIS TAG, Because the system will be close this. Be ready, after this you need make a CSS style for your content.
Content wrapper
How would I do a content wrapper on v5?
原田健司 joined the club
Neville1 joined the club
Anyone else having trouble with Downloads file screenshots?
It seems to be fixed in 5.0.1. I'm not having this issue anymore when editing/uploading a new version.
Anyone else having trouble with Downloads file screenshots?
Is your downloads app saving files in a folder other than the default /uploads folder? The same happened to me. I changed the download app folder back to the default location before the v5 upgrade, and I no longer have that issue.
Anyone else having trouble with Downloads file screenshots?
I am having the same issue. It creates a new screeenshot file and deletes the old file, but doesnt appear to update the image link. This is with the latest self hosted release. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/481548-screenshot-is-crashing-on-updates-to-downloadsfiles/?&do=findComment&comment=2990284
Mark as read
Moving quotes in v5 editor
Ah, before I could physically place them like in v4. I was aware of the comment before and after, that makes sense.
Contact Us / Support Options
Contact us is not being removed from the platform. We have removed the support system in v5 from commerce. If you need a full support system, you would need a 3rd party for this purpose.
Cloudflare Turnstile for CAPTCHA
We have had suggestions for this feature. We dont tend to announce roadmaps however.
Moving quotes in v5 editor
This is what you are looking for I believe 2025-02-10_08-12-53.mp4
Contact Us / Support Options
This is a system that I really appreciated a lot. And when it was removed I also thought, why have an online sales system like an E-Commerce but not have a support ticket system? This change doesn't make much sense if we analyze it from that perspective. Today a member told me: You are wasting a lot of time in a community, most people nowadays prefer to use "Discord" the era of communities died more than 5 years ago. I really had no answers. If we analyze the features of Discord the ease of integrating new resources through its own API. But I will still try to break this in my field, and make them understand that a community is much more organized than Discord although Discord is dominating this market very easily.
Cloudflare Turnstile for CAPTCHA
I'd be interested in this as well. Hopefully it comes soon either via 1st party or 3rd party.
Moving quotes in v5 editor
In the test site Invision provided, I was able to play around with the position of quotes without having to delete them. This was the same in earlier beta versions I tested on my dev site. On this site and my dev site, I can no longer move quotes. I like how easy it is to be able to post above and below. I am just unsure if being able to reposition something like a quote on a desktop no longer exists or if it is a bug.
Contact Us / Support Options
Contact Us is not being removed. What is removed is the ability to route support requests into a support ticket as there is no longer a commerce ticket system. You can choose to route those requests to an email account and respond via email.
Contact Us / Support Options
That's news to me. Where did you hear it? And we are talking about the Contact Us link on the bottom, right? If that's the case, the altrnative would be to use a third party app.
Contact Us / Support Options
Hi all, I read that VBP5 will remove the built-in contact us / support ticketing system. My members use this a lot and I've had some pretty good success making business deals with it. What is the recommended replacement? Thank you, Mike
Cloudflare Turnstile for CAPTCHA
This was mentioned when V5 development started; any word if this is coming to v5?
Karina Harumi joined the club
Redis is eating a lot
Redis does not have a built-in memory limit by default and the IPB software cannot control how much is used/available. Redis will continue using RAM as long as there is data to store. However, you can configure a maximum memory limit in the Redis configuration file by setting the 'maxmemory' directive.
Redis is eating a lot
On my Redis it says it has access to 61G memory. Where how do I limit the amount of memory Redis uses?